Friday, March 30, 2007

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I was trying to distract "the Mumma" from an injured dog in the kitchen. She didn't fall for it. Sorry Pete. R.I.P Riley (2005-2007)

Monday, March 26, 2007

afternoon sandwiching.

deb swung by this afternoon to inquire about all our orders at joe's taco lounge. she seemed to have been drooling over the talk of our selections, but it could also have been due to the fact that she was eating a sandwich while she was talking.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Deb hitting Will's stash... Friday's snack

Paparazzi Finds Deb at 'Fish'

I cannot tell if Deb is smelling her drink or if she is about to take a bite out of the glass. Also, notice Deb has TWO plates in front of her.

"Fish" is the IN place to be in Sausalito. The elite are dining with Ms. Mumma.


Looks like there's some evidence below to where this box of Cheez-it's might have disappeared to....

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Deb proofing color on her Cake...

Deb used her special pantone chips today to proof the color of her after-lunch snack.

Mouse vs. Deb


Please leave Neil's food alone when he is out of the office. Quit blaming it on the mice.


Catch up from 3-21

Some pics from yesterday. Deb is catching on to us and making it harder to catch her eating. But by the pure volume of food consumed, she can't hide it forever....

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

An anomaly

Deb caught holding something inedible.

Note that she's wearing my black sweater. I had two sweaters hanging in my cube. Because there were two, Deb assumed that they were leftover from a meeting like scones and took one.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Why choose?

Lay's Sour Cream and Onion and Kettle Chips' Salt and Pepper are totally different entitites. In fact, they're practically in different food groups. So let's make sure we get our daily fill of both.

The new converse ad concepts

Afternoon snack...

Deb returned to the scene of the crime and actually had the guts to take more handouts! The gypsy in the palace....

Deb stealing food from Pauline's cube.

Apparently, it is not mice taking food from people's desks at all. Maggy caught the real food-stealer in action...

Tuesday was a late lunch. Damn work!

Aisle 4 methodologies called into question...

The global scientific community has called into question the G.A.R.R.E.T.T. system used by aisle 4 scientists to document the contents of Deb Mumma's belly, citing that "If they can't spell stomach correctly, then we have no reason to believe that there is or ever was a live bat residing inside Deb Mumma's tummy."

NOTE: Not one piece of fruit...

Deb's stomache contents revealed

Scientists using the latest in Aisle 4 scientish technology things, including the newly designed G.A.R.R.E.T.T. system have uncovered what is believed to be the actual contents of Deb's gullet. We aren't really sure what a gullet is, but if we took a guess, it would be something like a tummy.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Breaking News! Deb Feeds Hungry Deb!

Status meeting = snack time!

What she's eating?

Catching a wild Mumma!

You too can catch a wild Mumma!

1. Just connect a string to a stick.
2. Prop up a sturdy box with the stick (see example)
3. Place a decoy device inside on a plate. Try to make this look as much like real "left-overs from a meeting".
4. Hide in a good spot. Perhaps a nearby cubicle.
5. When the wild Mumma approaches, wait until she has taken the bait, and pull the string. With any luck, you will have caught a wild Mumma.
A NOTE OF CAUTION: Should the device fail, and should the wild Mumma be cut of from the decoy food, leave the area at once! The trick has been known to throw the Mumma in a rage until it can claw through the box to get to the treats. Always be careful when tracking a Mumma!

After 2 morning brownies, FREE Pizza!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Cheeto-glazed ham?

Deb left a little early today, presumably to get a head start on her weekend snacking.

I wonder what's on the menu.

More Cookies!

The first one is free...

Do you mean Deb Mamma?

Thanks to Desmond for this idea. Deb Mumma eats Felt!!!

The evidence!

Friday is Bagel Day! And Deb is not one to miss it!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

The "Incident"

Here is a picture of the starving homeless Amish woman moments before the "incident". Note the fear in her eyes.

Post-lunch snack!

Gaaa, the humanity!!

Here's the proof!!

Pizza: The Back Story

If you've ever wondered if it were possible to call shotgun on the bigger one of two remaining slices of pizza in the office fridge, wonder no longer.

Deb can give you some helpful pointers. Her technique involves quickly identifying the target slice and repeatedly touching it.


The feeding frenzy has gotten out of control...

Lunch Time!

A snack after the snack!

Yes. It's Girl Scout cookie time of year!

A little snack after breakfast?

Things Deb Shares with Dogs

Yesterday Deb was partaking in a delightful carrot cake bundt when she decided to feed leo (the dog upstairs) like a baby bird from her mouth. It was amazing.

Employee of the Month

Is this Deb Mumma's month?

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

mumma's tummy was delighted.

Where all the magic happens....

This is where is all goes down. Really.

Welcome the Deb's stomach...

Hello up there. I'm hungry! Feed me!